Your conservation impact doesn't end when your tour is over! Learn more about the ways that you can make a difference at home through activities, lifestyle changes, donations and more.
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Conservation Activities for the Whole Family
There's more to explore in the great outdoors! We've highlighted some of our favorite conservation projects for citizen scientists of all ages. For a full list of projects, click below.
Snapshot Wisconsin
An effort to monitor wildlife year-round with a network of trail cameras hosted by volunteers.
Squirrel Mapper
Collect photos of gray squirrels to allow scientists to understand how squirrels are evolving to urban environments.
Squirrel Mapper
Classify uploaded images to measure natural selection.
The Wild Southwest
Help wildlife managers in the southwestern US assess populations of native and invasive species
Bat Monitoring Project
Submit your photos of bat sightings to highlight areas of concern and prioritize conservation activities.Submit your photos of bat sightings to highlight areas of concern and prioritize conservation activities.
Iberian Camera Trap Project
Help researchers implement an automated biodiversity monitoring system in the Iberian Peninsula using Artificial Intelligence.
Tracker Misson (Texas)
Submit photos of wildlife tracks to understand animal diversity with ongoing droughts in North Texas to the Rio Grande Valley.
WildCam Gorongosa
Help scientists classify animals on camera traps to understand wildlife in Gorongosa National Park, in Mozambique, for future conservation work.
Killer Whale Count
Identify and count killer whales to determine if their predation is causing Steller sea lion declines.
Offal Wildlife Watching
Who eats your guts? Help researchers gain a better understanding on what wildlife scavenges in deer remains left by hunters. WARNING: IMAGES MAY SHOW DEPICTIONS OF BLOOD/ GORE
Monkey Health Explorer
Researchers need your help identifying types of white blood cells as a part of a project understanding monkey health on the island of Cayo Santiago in Puerto Rico. Note: this project may be better for high school level and up.
Chimp & See
Explore tropical Africa from home. Watch videos of chimps, elephants, leopards and more!
Reptiles & Amphibians
FrogWatch USA
Helps volunteers learn about wetlands and conserve amphibians by reporting calls of local frogs and toads.
Record herps that you have seen, but also allow that data to be recorded for scientists to use.
Iguanas from Above
Help scientists count Galapagos Marine Iguanas from aerial photographs.
Snakes of the United States
Help collect distributional data for all wild snakes in the US. Please record all snakes including any snakes found dead on a road or elsewhere.
Indigo Snake Watch
Look for giant snakes and the animals they live around
Herps of Texas
Upload any picture of a gator, snake, lizard, skink, frog, toad, or salamander from Texas.
Frog Find
Find threatened frogs in NSW National Parks to help improve their survival.
Never Home Alone: The Wildlife of Homes
Wildlife can be found everywhere including inside your home. Help document the biodiversity that is behind your couch of in the corners of the garage.
Monarch Butterfly & Milkweed Project
Help scientist better understand monarchs butterfly migration and milkweed seasonality across North America.
Butterflies and Moths of North America
Effort to collect and provide access to quality-controlled data about butterflies and moths for the continent of North America.
Pollinating Insects of the World
Help collect pictures and information on insects pollinating flowers: bees, flies, mosquitos, beetles, weevils, etc.
Global Dragonflies & Damselflies
Share your photos of dragonflies and damselflies from around the world. Add descriptive habitat and behavior notes.
Bumble Bee Watch
Bumble Bee Watch is a collaborative effort to track and conserve North America’s bumble bees.
Notes from Nature - Terrestrial Parasite Tracker
Help scientists better understand the distribution and evolution of parasite diversity.
International Spider Survey
Share photos of orb weavers, tarantulas, wolf, jumping, fishing, funnel web spiders and any other eight-legged Araneae.
Birdwing Grasshopper Project
To understand how different Schistocerca species are distributed across North America.
Document birds that you see in your area. You can also view birds that others find.
A nationwide nest-monitoring program designed to track status and trends in the reproductive biology of birds.
Penguin Watch
Count penguin adults, chicks and eggs in far away lands to help scientists understand their lives and environment.
Hummingbird Migration Project
Help other volunteers track hummingbird migration across North America. (Main migration season begins in August)
Wildwatch Burrowing Owl
Help scientists document the behaviors and developmental milestones of burrowing owl families “holed up” in Otay Mesa, CA.
Celebrate Urban Birds
Project dedicated to including everyone from every background in accessing birding and conservation.
Bird Find
Listen to bird calls to help us in the continual development of AI powered biodiversity monitoring
Tree Snap
Scientists are working to understand what allows some individual trees to survive against diseases.
Mapping Change
Help create electronic records of botanical information from scientific herbarium specimens over 200 yrs old.
Pollen Trackers
Help predict when people are exposed to this highly allergenic pollen. Data collected helps create regional pollen alert system for “cedar fever.”
Take pictures of flowering plants to help scientists understand plant-animal interactions and climate change.
Nectar Connectors
Help scientists learn about the flowering timing of nectar sources for monarchs and other pollinators!
Herbs & Spices – Source Plants
Share your pictures and information of source plants for aromatic, culinary, medicinal, and sacred herbs & spices.
Help scientists learn new things about young leaves on trees in your neighborhood, yard, or school.
Plants & Trees
Record how the changes in the weather lead to changes in plant behavior and appearance.
Notes from Nature - CAS Plants to Pixels
Scientists need your help unlocking infromation from specimen photographs.
Season Change
Help track season changes by monitoring and recording changes in animal to plants.
Environment & Weather
Globe at Night
Measure sky brightness to help raise awareness of light pollution.
Stream Selfie
Take pictures with streams to help scientists evaluate stream health.
Globe Observer
Several program relating to the environmental through the Globe Observer app. Projects include clouds, land cover, trees, eclipses, and more.
Rain and Flooding
Show how rain is changing, where you see flooding and share ideas for stormwater solutions in your neighborhood.
Tell scientists how hot it gets, how it feels, and show us how you cope.
Skies and Air
Inform scientists about air quality, smells and health impacts. Take note of how the sky changes.
Identify what you hear in audio clips to assist in research about how road noise is impacting UK wildlife.
Make Changes for the Better
Sustainable changes can be good for you and the environment you live in!
Consider Composting
Did you know Fossil Rim makes our own compost? Composting can be an easy way to keep food scraps out of landfills and to give nutrients back to the soil.
Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
There is no simpler way to make a sustainable change than to follow the the R's: Consider saying no to buying new things. If you can, reuse what you have and recycle whenever possible.
Buy & Eat Local
Nothing is tastier than food grown in your own backyard. If you'd rather skip the growing yourself part, consider a community-supported agriculture (CSA) farms in Texas.
There's more where we come from
Check out our partners, and look for sustainable and nature-supporting organizations near you.