March 2, 2017

Girl Scouts discover Fossil Rim during Badgefest

Senior and Junior Girl Scouts are in luck; there are still some open spots for our 2017 Badgefests, but they are coming up soon! Make sure your scout gets in on the action!

Peanut butter and jelly, hamburgers and French fries, Fossil Rim Wildlife Center and Girl Scouts – some things are just a great fit.
Each spring, Girl Scouts are presented with a prime opportunity to blend fun, knowledge and accomplishment by attending one of Fossil Rim’s Badgefests. Girl Scouts will earn two merit badges and a Badgefest 2017 patch over the course of a Saturday or Sunday.
“Badgefests were a Fossil Rim creation in 2008, and we have worked to improve them as much as possible,” said Katie Hunholz, programs coordinator. “What I like about it is the girls are able to come out and earn two badges in one day, but we still are able to put in the time to make sure they understand the whole concept of each badge. They will travel around in groups to different stations. Each station is either led by a Fossil Rim staff member or volunteer, lasts about 25 minutes and helps them progress toward a badge.”
In the past, Fossil Rim has offered Badgefests for Brownies, Juniors and Cadettes. This year, however, on April 1 the wildlife center will host a Badgefest for Girl Scout Seniors.
“This is a very unique opportunity for both Fossil Rim and Senior Girl Scouts,” said Hunholz. “Events available for Seniors are often few and far between. Senior Girl Scouts are a rarity since so many girls drop out of scouts when they reach high school and become overcommitted with sports and academics. But, that’s a real shame since these Seniors have reached an age that allows them to really dive deep into topics that are applicable to their lives and our environment.”
This year promises to be the best year yet for Fossil Rim’s Badgefest program, considering the events for Brownies and Cadettes are already sold out and the Junior Badgefest, set for May 6, is rapidly approaching full capacity.
Fossil Rim has been building up its badge options in recent years.
“Over the years, we have been working hard to pick badges we feel Fossil Rim can best teach for,” Hunholz said. “We now have what I consider to be a solid Badgefest curriculum that allows us to have a three-year rotation with at least six badges that we are prepared to address for Brownies, Cadettes and Juniors.”
All of these Badgefests are accredited.
“We work extremely closely with the Girl Scouts of Texas Oklahoma Plains, which is located in Fort Worth and is the region we are situated in,” she said. “Fossil Rim is on the border of two other councils: Girl Scouts of Central Texas and Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas. Girl Scouts of Texas Oklahoma Plains has approved all of our curriculums.”
To reserve a spot at either the Senior or Junior Badgefest, call 254.897.2960 soon due to limited space. For more information, email Details about each event can also be found on our Special Events calendar:
“These Badgefests are really the best way for a Girl Scout to experience Fossil Rim with her troop and her friends,” Hunholz said. “They incorporate everything from a guided tour and a nature hike to lots of interactive activities specific to Fossil Rim while they earn badges.”
-Tye Chandler, Marketing Associate


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