Fossil Rim Wildlife Center management was grateful upon being informed in April that it was receiving a “One for Tomorrow” award in the amount of $23,086 from Clarke, a mosquito control products and services company, for Fossil Rim’s “environmental conservation efforts.”
Clarke employees selected one organization from each of its seven sales regions – five in the U.S. and two international – as 20-total nonprofits were nominated. The funds for the “One for Tomorrow” program come from one percent of the revenues from Clarke’s NextGen products and services.
“We are certainly honored that Clarke selected us among a number of other worthy nonprofits in the region,” said Warren Lewis, Fossil Rim marketing director. “It is always exciting to see a company like Clarke that is environmentally conscious in regards to controlling the mosquito population and West Nile Virus and Zika Virus among other related issues. They are also doing some interesting things with waterways and rainwater capture systems to keep mosquitos from developing. Their small pellets are effective for several months and are environmentally friendly.”
Fossil Rim is going to address needs in its animal health department after discussions on fund distribution were held by management.
Clarke representatives traveled to Fossil Rim in June from Chicago to formally present the “One for Tomorrow” funds.
“Before the visitors from Clarke presented us with the check, I wanted them to go on a private tour so they could see the facility firsthand and fully understand our mission,” Lewis said. “Even so, they had researched us pretty thoroughly prior to our selection. After the presentation, they had lunch with us and talked with our board of directors.”
A follow-up on this story will appear to see how the funds from Clarke are being applied at Fossil Rim.
-Tye Chandler, Marketing Associate