December 6, 2016

Fossil Rim helps local food bank fill its shelves

Come rain or shine, Somervell County Day maintains its effectiveness to the benefit of the Somervell County Food Bank (SCFB).
Despite drizzle and cold temperatures Dec. 3 at Fossil Rim Wildlife Center, a steady stream of local folks arrived with nonperishable food items in hand for the food bank, which gained them free admission to the park’s Scenic Wildlife Drive. Although the standard is two items per person, some people chose to donate more.

Somervell County Food Bank Director Debi Bly (middle) is all smiles after Somervell County Day at Fossil Rim Wildlife Center raises more than one ton of food items for the food bank.

“Once again, the citizens of Somervell County have shown how generous they can be and what giving hearts they have,” said Debi Bly, SCFB director. “It was encouraging to see how many people showed up on a rainy, cold day to support us. We appreciate it very much.”
This marked the fifth year of Somervell County Day, and the second year the SCFB trailer was on the scene so that the food items could be immediately loaded up.
Bly estimated the event raised more than one ton of donated food. She also said the food could last a couple of months, even though more than 150 families are expected to utilize SCFB this month.
“Our clientele numbers increase during the winter months, as children are at home and family will be coming in to visit,” Bly said. “I’m glad we’re able to help.”
Fossil Rim staff members Amber Wiedeman and Justin Smith stop by with their daughter for some Santa time.

Fossil Rim Tours Manager David Whiting reveals he has been naughty, at least according to his choice of elf.

Dan Broyles, Fossil Rim volunteer and Santa Claus, posed for pictures with families throughout the day, as did Sara Paulsen, elf and fellow volunteer. Even with Santa on the scene, however, it was the local citizens who took care of the giving. Bly loves to see the teamwork with Fossil Rim on this occasion and throughout the year.
“We love the partnership with Fossil Rim because of events like this, plus they help us when we go pick up food (in Fort Worth) on Fridays,” she said. “We take turns driving the trailer up there, and they help us unload.”
-Tye Chandler, Marketing Associate
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