November 8, 2019

Education Dept Incorporates STEM Fields

November 8 is National STEM/STEAM Day!

STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and math, while the STEAM version adds art into the mix. Statistics show few American students pursue expertise in STEM fields, and there is an inadequate pipeline of teachers skilled in those subjects. On the flip side of that, the need for STEM-oriented job skills are skyrocketing.

The Fossil Rim Education Department is mindful of incorporating these fields into their programs. Let’s get some thoughts on the matter from several of them.

Curator of Education James Morgan: “Whether you are talking about STEM, STEAM, or STREAM, (STREAM incorporates Reading and wRiting) Fossil Rim Wildlife Center has it! The natural world is abundant with learning opportunities of every type, and we would love for you and your group to come learn with us! Fossil Rim’s Education Department welcomes you to book your time to explore how Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Art, & Math are all over – from the trees to the animals, and even into what we do to work with saving critically endangered species every day. We are looking forward to having you visit!”

Director of Education Jennifer Arledge: “Why can you never trust atoms? Because they make up everything! Happy STEM Day, everyone! Fossil Rim is proud of its entire workforce for representing and supporting every facet of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.  We encourage you to support STEM, too, by going outside and enjoying STEM naturally.”

Visitor Programs Supervisor Will Baker: “Do you think of Fossil Rim as a STEM organization? I know I wouldn’t trust a wildebeest with a calculator or graduated cylinder. National STEM Day is November 8th and a great chance to remind our guests how integral all types of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math can be to Fossil Rim Wildlife Center. Our animal health department is highly educated on the biochemistry of our species to ensure our animals are medicated properly. Our IT department coordinates technology that allows for connectivity and communication of 100-plus staff across 1,800 acres. Our support services department constructs, modifies, and maintains enclosures that need to stand up to 500-pound antelope. Our finance department manages revenue, donations, and budgets to ensure our animals AND our staff get fed. These examples barely scratch the surface of how necessary science, tech, engineering, and math are to the operations of our center. Found across our incredible staff, they illustrate that it’s So True Everyone Matters.”

Education Specialist Mark Phillips: “With Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, we discover, explore, measure, and learn to modify our environment. At Fossil Rim, we love to discover and help others discover the beauty and diversity and interconnectedness of that environment.  As we do, we are evermore aware of the need for more of us to own the role of stewards – stewards of this vast and varied, but vanishing, biodiversity.  Isn’t that the goal of STEM:  Stewarding The Environment More?!”


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