There’s never a bad time to support Fossil Rim Wildlife Center in its dedication to the conservation of species in peril, but there is one great day to lend a hand.
Sept. 17 is North Texas Giving Day 2015, and an advocate’s donation dollars will literally never go further than if they are committed from 6 a.m. to midnight on that date.

Status: Critically Endangered
It’s a very significant fundraising event for Fossil Rim,” said Dr. Pat Condy, executive director. “It gives everyone from our supporters to our staff a chance to contribute as best they can on that specific day. The advantage of (contributing Sept. 17) is, for every donation, an additional amount is added by the Communities Foundation of Texas.”
Condy became aware of North Texas Giving Day in 2013, and Fossil Rim came aboard the crew of participating nonprofits.
“Some of my contacts in Dallas put me in touch with the Communities Foundation of Texas,” he said. “I didn’t know about the event previously. From 2005-12, we’d done a fundraising effort by mail using addresses in our database. It grew to more than 25,000 letters sent out, but it became too costly and required too much work.

Status: Endangered
“Since North Texas Giving Day is online, it’s much quicker and secure, plus that’s the one day of the year where Fossil Rim gets more than what you actually donated. Compared to our mail fundraiser, this is more straightforward, cost effective and productive with greater return.”
In 2013, 123 donors committed $20,695 to Fossil Rim on North Texas Giving Day. In 2014, 166 donors compiled $36,926.
“It’s wonderfully encouraging to see that increase,” Condy said. “This will only be our third year to participate, and based on our second-year growth, we’re hoping for an even better increase. We do all we can to promote it on our social media sites.”

Status: Critically Endangered
While Fossil Rim is more well-known than most of the approximately 2,000 nonprofits set to partake this year, there is no such thing as too much positive publicity.
“This event provides a tremendous opportunity to increase our exposure,” Condy said. “Because this is an online event, Fossil Rim supporters across America or even overseas are able to contribute. We inform them ahead of time, and then hopefully on that day they will manage to go online and donate. Last year, my in-laws in South Africa made a donation online.”
While some needs take priority, there is a bevy of ways donations can benefit Fossil Rim.
“There are dozens of items we need any given day of the year,” Condy said. “This fundraiser will allow us to take some items off what is a rolling list. Some are small needs, and some are major. If we are fortunate enough to reach $50,000 this year, then we’ll be able to address more needs than ever before, such as replacing some old equipment and constructing some additional animal holding facilities.
“Our fundraising total is headed in the right direction, so we look forward to this day very much. All of our departments have needs, and we’ll address what we can.”
Condy appreciates the support of Fossil Rim’s board of directors.
“We ask our board members multiple times in the run-up to North Texas Giving Day to spread the word to their colleagues and friends,” he said. “For the third-straight time, a board member has put up a challenge fund of $3,000 if our staff can combine to match or exceed that figure. That’s very generous and deeply appreciated.

Status: Extinct In Wild
“We’ve exceeded it each of the past two years, and that’s wonderful. I think that staff participation reflects very well on us.”
Every donor will receive a letter of confirmation from the Communities Foundation of Texas, as well as Fossil Rim.
“If you are interested at all in making a donation to help Fossil Rim further its mission of conservation and education, this is the occasion to do it,” Condy said.
North Texas Giving Day is an online giving event that provides nonprofits the opportunity to gain exposure to – and start relationships with – new donors, and for people in North Texas to come together and raise as much money as possible for local nonprofits. In just six years, North Texas Giving Day has raised $89 million for the North Texas region.
In 2014, more than 98,000 gifts totaling $26.3 million were given to benefit in excess of 1,580 local nonprofits. To learn more, visit
By: Tye Chandler, Marketing Associate